
I guess I will start out my blog with a little post about myself! I can’t imagine anyone would want to read a bunch of blog posts written by a person they know absolutely nothing about??? Anyway, my name is Brittany. I am a 26 year old pharmacist living in Indianapolis, Indiana with my fiance Nick and our 3 kids (cats). I know nothing about this whole blogging thing (still not completely sure why I decided this was a good idea?), but I do know that I like food and want to share my food with YOU! Before I get ahead of myself, let me back track a little bit….

So, like I said.. I’m a pharmacist. I decided I wanted to be a pharmacist my Junior year of high school. I told myself I was going to do everything I possibly could to make that dream a reality. So, six years of college and $130,000 of student loan debt later..I’m a pharmacist. What I didn’t know was that being a pharmacist was actually going to make me kinda sad. Why you ask? I spend every day verifying prescriptions, checking for drug interactions, and counseling people on their medications. The majority of these medications are for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. In pharmacy school you learn all the little details of how these drugs work to treat disease. You learn about drug interactions to look out for, side effects to counsel patients on, how to counsel patients in a way they will listen. What pharmacy school doesn’t teach you? How to prevent these medications from being needed in the first place. My entire first year working as a pharmacist, I kept thinking to myself there HAS to be better way to be healthy than taking all of these drugs.

Well, the universe gave me what I was asking for. I stumbled across some plant-based vegan food videos on Youtube completely by chance. This led me to watching Forks Over Knives on Netflix. That was it. I was convinced. I completely changed the way I was cooking and eating. The more I learned about the benefits of a plant-based vegan diet, the more passionate about it I became. I knew I wanted to do more with this information. I wanted to teach others what I knew. However, I knew what I couldn’t do was to tell someone they needed to completely change their diet every time they came to pick up their atorvastatin or metformin. Instead, I decided I would devote my free time to creating new recipes. Doing all of this with the hope that I would find a way to share them with others one day.

I feel it is important to mention that I started learning about a plant-based diet for health reasons. The more I learned and the more my eyes were opened to the horrors of the meat and dairy industries, this lifestyle quickly became about ethics as well. I am a huge animal lover, so changing my lifestyle made sense for me. I now even sponsor a rescued cow named Wilson at the nearest farm animal sanctuary to me! (Upland’s Peak in Indiana)

So, there’s the story behind this blog… I want to share recipes with you all for free. So, that you can eat delicious, healthy, plant-based food with me!




4 thoughts on “Hello!

  1. Hey Brittany,

    I already look forward to more of your blogposts! You’re right, when it comes to food people are very defensive about what they eat and everything we see on the telly is “chicken is healthy and lean” and “eggs and dairy should be in your diet”. It has been like this for so long that people actually started tk believe that this was true and they won’t believe otherwise.
    It’s sad…

    Keep up the great work 🙂

  2. Hello!
    I’m glad I found you on instagram (thanks for liking my post about my 5 year old’s “flakes” lol)
    We have a lot in common on how we came to this plant-based journey.
    I look forward to seeing your recipes and more posts from you!
    Please feel free to follow my blog and we can compare notes on our plant based journeys! 🙂

  3. Hi Brittany, that’s such an inspiring story! Thanks for promoting health, as well as cruelty-free lifestyles. Thanks also for creating this blog – I’m into promoting the idea that people post on independent blogs, not just within corporate social media silos. I also found you on Instagram, but I’m excited about a bunch of us health/veg’n/fruit folks from Ig branching out to build an independent community of blogs. I just started following you in my RSS feed reader, so I’ll get your posts in my news feed. RSS is a great way for people to follow independent blogs – you might want to include an RSS icon in your follow options. (Your RSS feed is https://plantbasedbrittany/feed.) Cheers!

    1. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my story and respond! It means a lot! I’m really excited about us building a community of blogs too! It is really exciting that we can create our own platforms to spread messages that we are passionate about. I really appreciate your feedback too!!! Thanks a bunch 🙂

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